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Location: Genova, Italy

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I'm 30, and as you may have guessed from my blog's title, I'm working in Italy. Genova to be precise. I've been here since June 2008 and don't know when I'm going back to Scotland, if ever. I went to America a couple of years ago and wrote a lot of waffle. If you're bored, why not look at

Monday 7 July 2008

Buono Lunedì


Happy Monday everyone. I have a day off, so it is for me. Hopefully it is for you too.

Just a quick post today to fill you in on a few happenings here.

Last weekend I went out for a couple of drinks with Stevie and Simone, and we went to an anarchists bookshop where they had beer and food. They all seemed nice (I don't know, I didn't speak to them, but they didn't pull any scary faces at us). It was a bit strange though because they were playing pretty loud music. That's not strange perhaps, but it was all Abba and assorted disco hits. This is not the music I associate with anarchy, but they seemed to love it. Roll back the 70's!

Genova is a pretty safe place - apart from my near brush with crime last week, I've never seen or heard anything nefarious. This is depsite (or maybe because) Italy has five different types of police, who all attract varying degrees of scorn from the natives. They are:

Polizia Municipale - small petty crime
Carabinieri - pretty much the same as far as I can tell
Polizia di State - more serious crimes
Polizia Finanza - money police
Corpe Forestale - forest police ("Put the tree down, son, I don't want to have to shoot!")

Disclaimer: As I'm not sure about the Carabinieri, I may be mistaken about what they actually do. Apologies if you're one of their stormtroopers and are offended while reading this.

I think the Corpe Forestale are the strangest. What crime is committed in a forest that wouldn't fall under the concerns of the regular police? Leaf rustling? I'm sure there's a better joke in there, but I can't think of what it might be.......
My students have helped me distinguish who is what when they're not cruising about in their cars. It's really very simple. The most common ones you see are the Caribinieri and the Polizia Municipale. The Carabinieri are the ones reading magazines while the Polizia Municipale are the ones drinking coffee. However, all 5 of them carry guns, so I would never cast allusions towards their laziness or incompetence.

In culinary news, I had more pig shins the other day. It might not be interesting news, but it's certainly delicious news! Also, I've seen a Japanese restaurant near my flat, so will treat myself to some Japanese food this weekend I think. As 'they' say, when in Rome!

I think that's all folks, so til next time, look after yourselves and each other.


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