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Location: Genova, Italy

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I'm 30, and as you may have guessed from my blog's title, I'm working in Italy. Genova to be precise. I've been here since June 2008 and don't know when I'm going back to Scotland, if ever. I went to America a couple of years ago and wrote a lot of waffle. If you're bored, why not look at

Monday 23 February 2009

More stuff

Hello everybody, I realise that it's not been long since my last post, but I have some exciting-for-me-at-least news. Your lives will probably continue unperturbed. I also remembered some stuff that I meant to include last time.

So first, my news. I'm moving flat to an area of town called Marassi. It's beside the stadium, and brilliantly, from my bedroom window you can see the turnstile (ingresso) that I use. It's close enough that I can spit on the Sampdoria fans as they mill past. Not that, I will of course, I'm far too nice, but I could if I was so inclined. It's going to be sweet. I move on Sunday. In moving there I'll be fulfilling a childhood dream: when I was young and my dad took me to the Theatre of Dreams, aka Easter Road, I always said that I'd one day have a house next to the stadium and before games he could come and we'd have steak pies. I know, I dreamt big! It might be in a different country, but I'm still going to score that one of my list. All I need to do now is win the lottery, and have a house built in a cliff in the style of the batcave and I can die happy. The flat's about equi-distant to the centre as my old/current one, but this time I'll be maybe staying with students. I say maybe because I'm the first tenant - it's all been newly refurbished, so waiting on new people. Even though my old/current place is nice, and the ladies are nice, it's their house and I feel more like a lodger than at home. As Italy is basically now my new home, this is important.

I've been thinking a lot lately about next year. I had decided to come back to Italy, but couldn't decide whether to stay in Genoa or go elsewhere. I quite fancy Rome or generally a more Southern locale, but I'm essentially a creature of habit, and I've never seen the point in changing for the sake of change. True, Genoa isn't the most happening city in the world by a long stretch, but it's pretty easy to live in. True, people aren't particularly friendly, but I have a few friends here, and I only really see them at the weekends. During the week I'm too whacked to socialise. So maybe I've been having greedy thoughts? I don't know, but if I move I might just find the same issues in a different location, and what's the point in that??? Also, being the mature grown up that I am, I have to think about football - the stadium here's pretty unique in Italy in that there's no running track round the pitch. This makes the atmosphere much better than going to some enormo-bowl where there's only half the stadium full, and everyone straining to see what's happening. A lot of the time the fouls are invisible anyway (Damn you Fiorentina! see last post if you're confused), so this would make it even harder. Now that I'm a Genoano, I can't just change. It's not like a marriage or a democratically elected government - I've made a commitment in the eyes of God (he prefers Italy to everywhere else and sent his son back - Berlusconi actually compared himself to Jesus. What. An. Ass).
So yeah, at the moment, Genoa's for me. However, as with everything, this is subject to change.

In other news in the life of me, about a month ago I decided that I would embark on a gruelling exercise regime to sculpt myself into a Hulk-like character. Things are going well, although I've lost count of the number of shirts I've torn off when someone pushes me on the bus or walks slowly in front of me. "You won't like me when I'm mad! Michael smash!" However, a couple of weeks ago I became concerned. For about three days I had a really sore stomach, and when I ate I felt sick and very faint. Being rationally minded I decided that I was probably dying, so stopped my exercises (when you become an angel you're automatically ripped - check out the paintings) and took it easy. I've always (I think) had a bit of a bulge under my ribs on one side of belly, so put my malaise down to this obvious AlienTM growing inside me. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that after a couple of days I wasn't torn asunder by some freaky little thing exploding from my chest, but actually felt a lot better. It would seem that I felt rubbish because muscles were waking up from a loooooooooooooooooong hibernation and weren't too happy about it. Phew. So, I'm back on my regime, and pretty soon will be entering myself into Mister Universe. Watch this space...........

Of course I'm joking - Mister Universe is so degrading, and it's on at the same time as Miss World. Now there's some quality TV.

I think that's all for now folks,

Until next time, assuming I don't explode like John Hurt before then,

So long


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